A Chat with…Wayne Ellefson, Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods Division

Wayne at a company outing

Wayne at a company outing

Name: Wayne Ellefson

Job title: Senior Client Manager

Company: Covance Laboratories

IFT Divisions to which you belong: Nutraceutical & Functional Foods, Food Chemistry, Food Laws & Regulations, Biotechnology

Highest Level of Education/Degree: BS, Chemistry

At NASA to speak about nutrient stability for the mission to Mars

At NASA to speak about nutrient stability for the mission to Mars

What does your schedule look like today? Had a technical discussion with a client to resolve a problem with an HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) test. Discussed a nitrite/nitrate problem in a product with another client and advised a course of action. Helped another client resolve an infant formula problem. I worked on a product authenticity issue with another client. Helped a client with a regulatory problem in China. Worked with another client on a chemical contaminant issue. Designed a stability study for an infant formula company. Helped resolve a science issue for new lab we are opening in another country. Designed a method validation study for a new dietary fiber method for a client.

How did you go about finding your job? In 1971, I walked down the street from the University of Wisconsin campus to the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) and asked for a job!

Wayne_3If you weren’t a Food Scientist, what would you be doing? Probably teaching. Or coaching the Green Bay Packers; I do this from my couch every weekend during football season anyway.

Who do you think is the most influential person in your field?  Harvey Wiley or Harry Steenbock

With the IFT delegation in China

With the IFT delegation in China

When are you most inspired? When I solve problems for clients or when the Little League Baseball Team I coach has fun.

Why should I join ­­­­­­­­­­the Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods division (or any other IFT Division)?  Being involved in IFT Divisions has provided me with valuable knowledge, new friends, and a great base of career contacts.

Join one (or more!) of IFT’s Divisions for free

 Favorite food? Chocolate brownies!

Question for Wayne? Reach him at wayne.ellefson@covance.com

Science Meets Food

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