Work selfie with Duke
Name: Mandy Boquin (Pictured here with Duke)
Job title: Sensory and Consumer Scientist
Company: Bush Brothers & Co. (Bush’s Beans)
IFT Division(s) to which you belong: Sensory and Consumer Science
Highest Level of Education/Degree: M.S.
What is your favorite quote? “Empathy…Know what they know, feel what they feel, and act on their behalf.” – Jerry Haselmayer (CEO, Seek Co.)

Bush’s products I’ve worked on
How did you go about finding your current job? Making relationships and looking for work cultures that fit my values and work style… I had the benefit of being former intern of Bush Brothers and keeping in contact with several co-workers from my internship who let me know about open positions. When it came time to look for a full-time job, I had Bush’s in mind since I enjoyed my intern experience so much. Around that same time, I met Betty Pappas, a Sensory recruiter at the 2009 SCSD Annual Networking reception. We exchanged information and stayed in touch. She was very sweet and helped coach me as I looked for jobs. Turns out she was also a recruiter for Bush’s and placed me at my current role.
If you weren’t a Food Scientist, what would you be doing? This is tough one as I love what I do, but perhaps I would try to be a full-time focus group moderator. I love hearing what consumers think and what can make their life better.
When are you most inspired? On the drive to and from work.

My happy place!
Why should I join Sensory and Consumer Sciences Division or any other IFT Division? The opportunity to make connections with people working in your same field is invaluable. You never know when you will meet your next mentor, boss, and friend.
Click here to join the Sensory and Consumer Science Division!

Louisiana State University-Undergraduate

University of Illinois- Graduate School
The most valuable thing a student can do to further their career is: Seek out opportunities above and beyond school work that gets you involved with your field of interest….internships, food science club, undergraduate research, IFT divisions. All of these experiences add up… they build your knowledge, your relationships and your path to career success.
What is your favorite food? An old fashioned crawfish boil…and King’s Cake on Mardi Gras!
Have a question for Mandy? Send an email to mboquin@bushbros.com!
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