If you want to get involved with the IFT Student Association, we’re sure to have something to fit your skill set. We are recruiting volunteers for the 2015-2016 academic year. Do you love planning events, creating blog posts and videos, or developing resources for other food science students? Volunteer with IFTSA in a role specific to your interests! These volunteer
IFTSA Marketing Work Group

VP of Marketing – Katie Lanfranki
The Marketing Work Group works together with the VP of Marketing and IFTSA Board of Directors to ensure that the student voice is heard and present throughout all IFT marketing initiatives. If you are interested in meeting other IFTSA members and want to impact the future of IFTSA, this is an excellent group with which to get involved. Potential tasks include: revitalizing current IFTSA marketing initiatives, such as Official Food Geek and developing new campaigns to demonstrate the numerous opportunities the Association has to offer. Join the Marketing Work Group here!
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VP of Membership Experiences – Suzy Hammons
IFTSA Membership Experiences Work Group
Looking for a group of enthusiastic individuals with ideas on how IFTSA can better serve members, create engaging programs, and help new chapters thrive. Potential tasks include: welcoming new chapters to IFTSA, planning events for members (Global Summit etc), organizing the student lounge at IFT16, and helping to plan the IFTSA student party at IFT16. Join the Membership Experiences Work Group here!
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IFTSA Science Meets Food Bloggers Work Group

VP of Development and Communications – John Gleeson
Have you ever wanted to use a gif to express your love of food science? Or write a witty yet thoughtful account of the newest technology being used in low fat, high protein yogurts? Well have we got a treat for you! Sciencemeetsfood.orgis a blog run by the student members of IFTSA. If you have a way with words, the gift of the gab or are a pro with technology, we will welcome you with open arms (virtually). But the main trait? Passion. That’s the key ingredient to grabbing a reader’s attention. We aim for members to produce a post once every 4-5 weeks and also hope to start producing short 1-2 minute videos. This work group is a great way to learn how to write for a general audience AND for food lovers. Join the Bloggers Work Group here!
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VP of IFT Relations – Caroline Campbell
IFTSA Leadership Development Work Group
Are you passionate about leadership, volunteering, or virtual communications? This work group will work under the IFTSA VP of IFT Relations to develop online on-demand resources for student members and chapters (such as virtual guest speakers or leadership development presentations). We’ll also work to increase student representation in IFT divisions, sections, and new professionals task force. Experience with video editing, online communication platforms, or leadership training is a plus (but not a requirement)! Join the Leadership Development Work Group here!
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Past President – Jay Gilbert
IFTSA Board Structure Task Force
This task force will serve to evaluate the structure and composition of the IFTSA leadership board, which currently includes 3 presidents, 5 vice-presidents, and 8 area representatives. Task force members will research the leadership structure of other professional and student organizations and provide recommendations for modifications or alternative structures. Looking for students with experience in leadership positions (student clubs, Greek life, scientific organizations etc.), industry/academic professionals with experience in leadership reorganization, as well as those looking to get involved in student leadership who can provide a fresh perspective. Join the Board Structure Task Force here!
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