Healthier Foods?

By Felicia Loo

Health -one of the keywords that have prompted the initialization of changes in our life. The health industry expects continuous profit. . According to WHO, the pharmaceutical industry alone is a$300 billion industry annually and will grow to $400 billion per annum within 3 years. Imagine how much money the word “health” triggers?

We are raised up in a world where health is a priority.  We are told to value health. The existence of healthcare professionals, the public programs to educate the public how to eat correctly and to stay healthy are indicative of how health matters for us.

Staying healthy triggers changes in our mindset to change our lifestyle- tailoring to healthy food, exercising, and getting our mind and soul to think positively. If it is not because of the word ‘healthy’, there wouldn’t be much people who care about the food we eat.

We often hear the words ‘healthier food”. What is healthier? Is it less fat, less sugar, or less salt? No trans-fat? Locally produced food? Organic? Non-GMO food? No preservatives added? No coloring? Natural food? Minimally processed foods? No hormone residual in our milk?

These are indeed some of the foods that we think of as healthy food. How do we evaluate the term healthy and healthier? What about the combination of food that is partially healthy? Potato chips that are organic and low fat but with lots of added preservatives versus conventional potato chips. I would pick the organic one but the question is how much healthier is it compared to the conventional ones?

How do you define a healthy or healthier food? Would you buy or eat a “healthier” version of an “unhealthy” food?


Photo Credit:

Potato chips snack. Copyright (c) 123RF Stock

Science Meets Food

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