Hello fellow Food Geeks! Part of our goal here at Science Meets Food is to showcase the things YOU do to make your local chapters, and IFTSA as a whole, such wonderful organizations. This post is a tribute to some of the great things that have been happening at the local chapter level of IFTSA so far this year! If you want to show off what your chapter has done in future posts like this, make sure to send highlights to your Area Representative!
Before we delve into chapter highlights…a little update. Below are the locations and dates of your Area Meetings coming up next year (2015). What is an Area Meeting you might ask? It is your opportunity to network with fellow students in your geographical area, complete with fun activities and competitions!
Central Atlantic: University of Delaware, April 17-19
Midwest: Ohio State University, April 10-11
Mountain West: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, February 27-28
North Atlantic: Cornell University, April 10-11
North Central: Iowa State University, April 10-11
Pacific West: University of California, Davis, March 6-7
South Central: Plano, TX, April 10
Southeast: University of Florida, March 27-29
Look forward to more details in the future!
Now, let’s get back to highlighting what some chapters have been up to this year. Really it seems like everyone is off to a great start. Alabama A&M University hit the ground running by helping some of their new and returning members move into their dorm rooms. A number of other food science clubs embraced the autumn atmosphere on campus by hosting football tailgate parties- Go [insert team name here]!!

Look at all that jelly!
Some chapters have begun fundraising for this year. Mississippi State began their annual production of muscadine jelly and blueberry preserves, and Ohio State sold ice cream at the Ohio State Farm Science Review. These types of fundraisers are great ways to help food science clubs sponsor fun events. UC Davis recently hosted a “taste tripping” activity with miracle berry tablets, and the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez introduced their chapter members to some fun molecular gastronomy techniques. How fun!

Volunteering at Ronald McDonald House
A number of chapters have really taken service to heart since the year began as well. The University of British Columbia planned a joint service event with the University of Washington to increase food security. The University of Georgia participated in the Stop Hunger Now initiative, which sends emergency meal kits to nations in crisis. NC State volunteered by making meals for the Raleigh Rescue Mission and Ohio State made a meal at the Central Ohio Ronald McDonald House. Great work everyone! Make sure to take pictures and share using #IFTService to showcase your chapter’s service activities.
This is merely a taste of what some chapters have been up to- be sure to check back throughout the year for more updates!
Make sure to follow and share your activities with @IFT_SA on Twitter and remember to like us on Facebook!
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