By: Kenny McMahon
We are gobsmacked and chuffed for the Sweet Scientists’ continued determination and smarts to advance into the third round of the Amazing Race. The ladies caught the first flight of the race from the Virgin Islands across the pond to give them a leg up on the competition for the next hurdle…goose stepping in London. We had no doubt that Maya and Amy, an #OBG – official band geek, would nail the changing of the guard. In spite of the largely oversized guard uniforms provided, the ladies quickly perfected the steps and commands together.
Racing toward Oxford, Amy pushed the punt (a flat-bottomed boat), while Maya waved the flag with United Nation pride. All was well until the current grabbed their punt and the ladies made land ho! Sweet Scientist overboard! Blimey! Maya took a dip in the moat around College Island. Yet, this minor mishap did not deter their determination to continue forward. Frustration and tension among other team partners allowed the Sweet Scientists to gain a leg on the mother and daughter, the firefighters, and the dating couple (eliminated this round).
We’ll see you again this upcoming Friday on the telly!
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