By: Emily Wolter One of my absolute favorite questions to ask someone after they tell me that they are studying food science is, “How did you stumble upon food science?”. It’s an immediate ice breaker and almost always an...
By: Kate Sweitzer After spending an action-packed week in Las Vegas at the IFT annual meeting and food expo, I cannot help but reflect upon my journey into food science, how it started and where I am headed. A...
By Kate Sweitzer In every product development project there is a requirement for a picture. We know how important the appearance of our new food product is to our audience, judges, and consumers. An appetizing photograph can make the...
By: Kate Sweitzer You may have heard of Malcolm Gladwell for his books, The Tipping Point or Blink, or perhaps for his frequent articles in The New Yorker and The Washington Post. Regardless of whether or not you have...
By: Bethany Richardson At the suggestion from a friend, I listened to an NPR segment on patenting technology to create new cuts of meat. Eugene Gagliardi, the inventor of Steak-Umm, as well as his lawyer, are interviewed. While this...
Happy 4th of July! If you are celebrating America’s Independence today, be safe, have fun, and surround yourself with family and friends. Thank you to all of our troops who ensure our continued independence! As a foodie, I have to ask:...
By: Bethany Richardson For those of you approaching your senior year of college in the fall, this summer is the perfect time to start thinking about applying to graduate school. After having gone through the process of applying to...
By: Emily Wolter I have experienced the extremes when it comes to involvement with different types of food science clubs, both small and large. I gained my B.S. in Food Science from Texas Tech University and was very active...
By Kate Sweitzer Traditions run deep. Everything from large family picnics in the summer to evening meals around the dining room table. Each has a routine that has been passed down through generations. Amongst these traditions are habits that...
By: Emily Wolter Erika Hanson, the PR representative of the University of Delaware’s Food Science Club, wrote in about one of the annual events their club does to serve the community. I was enticed by the great way in which they combine...