The Amazing Race- Week 6!

By: Kenny McMahon

On last week’s episode of the #AmazingRace, the first task for the #SweetScientists, Amy and Maya, was to grab a bale of hay, go to a horse drawn carriage stable, and take a ride into town and then get into their Ford Fiesta.  With a rough start, Amy and Maya picked up the wrong hay and delivered it to the wrong stable forcing the ladies to go looking for their correct destinations. Another facial expression from Amy depicted the frustration as the commercial played her expression in slow motion.  However, the #SweetScientists were not the only team lost in Morocco. The #MomDaughter were lost, too.  Amy and Maya hit the detour challenge as other teams were struggling, buying them some time to get back in the race.  Correctly reaching the next stop, the #SweetScientists are rocked a butter-churning challenge.  They are from the cheese state, Wisconsin (northernly accent), afterall! This dairy-friendly checkpoint definitely helped out the duo to ease their nerves and get back on track.  Once churned, Amy and Maya moved up to fifth place as they headed to the next checkpoint.

Never giving us a dullAmyMayaBird moment, Amy and Maya missed the turn to the next challenge.  The teams had to navigate a series of rickety rope bridges and zip lines over a ravine, as well as put together a puzzle along the way.  Looks like a blast to me!  Maya solely took the roadblock with ease and left just behind the wrestlers.  To the #SweetScientists benefit (and all the other teams to save face) Shelley and Nici, still, were set so far back as they bickered.  As a result, there was no doubt the #SweetScientists would pull through on this episode in order to stay alive at the halfway point of the season.

Turn up #SweetScientists.  We are rooting for y’all!

(All images:

Science Meets Food

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