Food Science Club Happenings: NC State

By: Lisa Rosenberg


April is usually a time to begin wrapping up the semester as students begin preparing for graduation, summer, and new futures. For us, it meant a crazy busy month of club activities and events before the semester came to an end. The first weekend of April, 21 students traveled up to College Park, MD to cheer on and support our college bowl team. In the end, we came out victorious thanks to the team members of Kurt Selle, Caroline Campbell, Chris Cheng, Katrina Connor, and Yiwen Thor.


On April 19th, we had our final event for the year: the competition for the Golden Pig, a picnic-style event with games. The Golden Pig is an event between the students and faculty/staff that has three events throughout the year to determine the winner. This year it was a softball game, student vs. faculty/staff college bowl competition, and the picnic games. The picnic games consisted of a pie-eating contest, egg toss, and a blind taste test. In the end, the faculty/staff reclaimed the Golden Pig for a second year; hopefully, it’ll be a better year for the students next year.




The last major event for the NCSU Food Science Club was our annual Departmental Awards Banquet. This was held on April 25th with a dinner and awards ceremony to recognize the students who won departmental awards; this includes both scholastic achievements and club awards. It was attended by 120 people including Food Science, Nutrition, and Bioprocessing students, award donors, faculty, and staff. It was a great night to end what has been a great year for the NCSU Food Science Club.

Science Meets Food

The IFT Student Association (IFTSA) is a forward-looking, student-governed community of IFT members. Through competitions, scholarships, networking, and leadership opportunities, you’ll set yourself apart from your classmates (unless they’re members too).

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