Food Science Club Happenings: UC Davis

By: BreeAnn Crofts


The past couple of months have been busy for the Food Tech Club at UC Davis. In April, the Food Tech Club officers from 2012-2013 handed over the reins to a new cabinet of officers for 2013-2014. The new president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer are BreeAnn Crofts, Angelica Ruark, Winnie Liu, and Adalie Hsu, respectively.


The club has already had some exciting events occur, such as a visit to Gunther’s Creamery in Sacramento on May 4th, where students had an exclusive tour of the facilities at Gunther’s and then had a taste of the delicious products they had to offer. On May 7th, some members had the opportunity to volunteer at the NFICT Supplier’s Expo, where we welcomed guests to the Expo and also were able to network with industry members. These connections we made will hopefully lead to more events with members of the food industry in the future!


As the school year is coming to a close, the Food Tech Club will be bidding adieu to students and retiring faculty who have contributed to the Food Science program at UC Davis. We will be sad to see them go, but look forward to a great year in 2013-2014!

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Science Meets Food

The IFT Student Association (IFTSA) is a forward-looking, student-governed community of IFT members. Through competitions, scholarships, networking, and leadership opportunities, you’ll set yourself apart from your classmates (unless they’re members too).

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for sharing, BreeAnn. Cool idea to visit a creamery, I hope my group will some more interesting stuff this summer! Seems like we’re always going to the same places lol. Keep the posts coming!

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