BY: MORGAN REASE Here in California and throughout the US it is once again time for farmers’ markets. Walking through the market, I like to survey the booths from a distance looking for produce that catches my eye. Deep...
BY: PRAVEENA THIRUNATHAN Like every other kid, I always looked forward to my Saturday mornings. Those mornings were spent lazing around in bed, watching all my favourite cartoons, making progress on my video games, all while munching on whatever...
By Bryan Quoc Le | 150 Food Science Questions Answered Kombucha tea is a popular sour, effervescent drink that is made from the fermentation of sweetened tea by a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, affectionately called a SCOBY [1]....
BY: MEGAN RAY NICHOLS There is a good reason many foods need to be refrigerated and/or fully cooked before you eat them. Actually, there are more than 250 good reasons in the form of bacteria-induced diseases commonly found in...
BY: ALEX PIERCE-FELDMEYER When you really think about it, chewing gum is a very odd invention. We voluntarily and consistently chews to chew on a flavored gum with no intention of swallowing or gaining any nutritive value. Why do...
BY: MACKENZIE HANNUM Do you realize that you make around 200 decisions about food per day [1]? And for all of those decisions there are lots of subtle influences that impact your final liking of the food product —...
BY: MORGAN REASE If you attended public schools in the United States as a child, I’m sure you learned of Benjamin Franklin, one of our nation’s founding fathers and a man of great curiosity and intellect. You probably recall...
BY: NICOLE ARNOLD & LILY YANG You’ve perused the farmer’s markets, the grocery aisle, and the multitudes of food stands to find that coveted, delicious, strawberry-rhubarb jam you remember from days long past. You pass by vendors’ tables packed...
BY: MACKENZIE HANNUM What does “clean label” even mean? Do consumers know? Does the food industry know? Mr. Clean, the King of Clean…does he even know? The answer is no. No one knows. There is no official definition of...
Name: Brian F. Wagner Job title: Entrepreneur, Visionary, Strategist, Packaging Professional Company: Wags Ventures, LLC IFT Division(s) to which you belong: Food Packaging Division; IFT Cactus Section How did you go about finding your current...