By: Nathan Ballard To most consumers and those in the food industry, the big R word is something bad or to be avoided.  While this can be the case, recalls aren’t always a bad thing. Consumer’s Viewpoint While it...
By: Shivangi Kelkar Stevia, a natural and low-calorie sweetener, is leading the pack of natural sweeteners available in the food industry today according to an article I read recently. Stevia belongs to the group of 240 species of herbs...
By: Felicia Loo Do you suffer from the guilt of indulgent full-fat chocolate? Not for long! Researchers at the University of Warwick have found a way to substitute up to 50% of the chocolate’s fat content with fruit juice...
By: Emily Wolter If you are preparing to graduate soon, leave the world of academia, and enter the work force…Best of luck! It can be an uneasy time, as you begin to consider which jobs you are eligible for...
By: Emily Del Bel Have you ever been surprised by the flavor of something? The first time I went to a local restaurant called Café Yumm, I experienced surprise and delight at the flavor of the sauce they had...
By: Kate Sweitzer As student members of IFT, we are often involved only in our local chapter or possibly with the IFTSA leadership, but how many of us explore the rest of IFT? Graduate students may be aware of...
By: Thomas Siebertz A company in Canada has created a genetically modified apple that is immune to enzymatic browning. The company is Okanagan Specialty Fruits (OSF) and what they have done is silenced a gene in the apples which...